Fusion protein and mutagenesis service

  • Fusion protein technology enables genetically engineered fusion two or more functional proteins into one protein(e.g  anti-CD19-scFv-Fc).
  • The fusion proteins can easily be handled in purification, measurement.
  • Most importantly, the fusion proteins offer a combination of attribute that enhance its longer circulation time in the body to treat the disease.
  • Fusion partner and mutagenesis construction:  $99/each, ask for quote.
Choose your fusion protein partner/tag
Strep-Tactin<1The smal Strep-tagII (WSHPQFEK. 8aa) can be used to purify active, native conformation proteins for high purity on one-step Strep-Tactin bead from mammalian and bacteria. It can be combined with Hisx6-tag for a standardized two-step purification. It is most useful for active enzyme purification; IP for MS protein-protein interaction. Strep-Tactin beads are a little more expensive.Strep-tactin( engineered strepadvidin) bead, You can check IBA, Giagen, or GE life science for more detail
Estrogen receptor(ERT2)35The ERT2 is a mutant form of the human estrogen receptor which does not bind its natural ligand (17β-estradiol), but binds the synthetic estrogen receptor ligands 4-hydroxytamoxifen (OHT or tamoxifen). The ERT2-fusion protein can translocate to the nucleus by tamoxifen administration. 
CD25The CD25 human is a surface receptor on activated T cell and most B-cell neoplasms. The extracellular regions and transmembrane regions of CD25 alpha can be fused with intracellular signalling molecules for receptor signalling studies. The CD25-Fc fusion protein has potent antitumor activity(see Nature)
Anti-CD1929Anti-CD19 scFv is an attractive reagents for treating CD19-positive lymphoma and autoimmune diseases. The anti-CD19 chimeric antigen receptor T- cell(CAR-T) therapy is being expected for B-cell leukemia and lymphoma treatment. The CAR(chimeric antigen receptor) consists of anti-CD19 scFv that recognizes antigen, an extracellular hinge linker, a transmembrane domain and an intracellular signaling domain such as CD3zeta, CD28 and 4-1BB. The P&A biotech provides anti-CD19 chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) construct service. Please contact us for more information.
VP16-AD(413-490)8VP16 is  is a trans-acting protein from herpes simplex virus. The VP16-AD-fusion protein can recruit the active complex for gene transcription.
BirA35The BirA is an E. coli biotin ligase, and specifically, conjugate biotin to the 15 amino acids AviTag peptide(GLNDIFEAQKIEWHED).
TAT<1TAT(trans-acting activator of transcription) is 10 aminino-acid peptide from  HIV-1. The Tat-fusion protein allows for the rapid introduction of the fusion proteins into primary and transformed cells and locates into nucleus aslo. Methoths
Gal4-DBD(1-147)16In Gal4-UAS system, Gal4-DBD-fusion protein, binds to a specific 17bp nucleotide sequence. the effect of the fusion protein on transcription activation/repression can be measured by reporter(e.g. luciferase, GFP) for functional domains, protein-protein interactions, and site-specific proteolysis.
Fc(h IgG Ch2ch3)25Human Fc (IgG1 Fc-Ch2-Ch3 regions) can strongly bind to Fc receptors on B cell, NK cell and macrophages and to protein A/G. These valuable features enable Fc fusion proteins for prolong the half-life and an improved therapeutic efficacy.Fc-fusion protein can be easyly purifed by protein A bead. The receptor-Fc fusion can be in a dimeric form,  which activates and enhances its affinity for the cognate ligand.
Cre recombinase35Cre Recombinase is an enzyme from bacteriophage P1 that catalyzes the LoxP sites. The Cre has been widely used to generate a tissue-specific or inducible knockout in transgenic mice or conditional gene expression in cells
CBP4Purity differs greatlyCalmodulin bead
Trx12Does not work well with larger MW target proteinsN/A
MBP43 large tagAmylose bead
GST26Glutathione bead
TEV<1need affinity tag
SUMO12need affinity tag
Flag1Expensive and elution can be a problem occasionallyAnti- Flag-M2 bead
Expression vectorHostSelection marker or tagFeatures
pCDNA3mammalian cellGeneticin(G418) Flag, HA, Myc Cytomegalovirus (CMV) enhancer-promoter for high-level, constitutive expression protein, especially in 293T cells and cos-1/cos-7 cells.
Neomycin (G418)
eGFP tag at te N or C-terminus
Neomycin (G418)
mCherry tag at N or C-terminus
pFB-IRES-GFPmammalian cell Retroviral VectorA repication-incompetent retrovaral vector derived from murine stem cell virus MSCV2.2. it contains MCS which for a gene of interest can be inserted, and following an internal ribosomal entry site(IRES). That allows co-expression of a gene of interest with GFP as a marker for transduced cellsfor mammalian expression in mitotic cells, Contains Internal ribosome entry site (IRES)/neomycin-resistance. cassette
pFBmammalian cell Retroviral Vectorfor mammalian expression in mitotic cells. Contains Internal ribosome entry site (IRES)/neomycin-resistance cassette. the link for vector detail.
MIGR1(MSCV,IRES,GFP, Restrovirus-1)mammalian cell Retroviral VectorGFPThe MSCV (Murine Stem Cell Virus) Retroviral vectors are optimized for introducing and expressing target genes in pluripotent cell lines, including hematopoietic, embryonic stem (ES), and embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells in murine or human. They can also be used effectively with low transfected mammalian cell lines. The MIGR1 vector is ideal for analyzing gene function in development, embryogenesis, or immune response, in both cell culture and transgenic assays.
Vector detail.
Retroviral, Puromycin
Retroviral, Puromycin
vector detail
pET28BacteriaKanwith T7 lac promoter, containing N-terminal His tag.