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mRNA, lncRNA and RNA products
The mRNA, lncRNA products are ready to use for expression.
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CRISPR gene editing proteins products
The Crispr proteins are ready to used for transfection, electionporation and microinjection.
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gRNA and homologous DNA synthesis
gRNA and homologous DNA are ready to use by chemical transfection or electroporation.
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Sars-cov-2 DNA synthesis
P &A can provide the any parts of DNA in the expression vector, or the ready-to-use mRNA for protein expression and the vaccination.
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Prime editing pegRNA service
We provide the pegRNA synthesis service with: 1) pegRNA plasmids, $99/ each, or 2) ready-to-use pegRNA for injection, $199/ 10ug. Just let us know the sequence you want to change, we design pegRNA with program for you.
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